If you have AI tools you want our writers to use, we’re all in. Our writers are trained to use AI tools. We believe that our writers plus AI tools can help create high-quality copy or content for you.
However, if you prefer not to use any AI tool, then we won’t push for it.
We work on your project as soon as you submit your request on our project management dashboard. We strive to get your project back to you within 1-3 business days, depending on complexity or the amount of work you have requested.
For example, Social Media Captions for 30 Posts may take 4 hours to complete the draft. You can expect this project to be submitted to you in one day. If you requested for a 1,500-word SEO blog, you can expect this project to take about 2 days.
Writing, while very fulfilling, can be exhausting. We provide deliverables from Monday to Friday. We allow our writers to rest during weekends, and we follow our client’s holidays. If holidays are coming, we encourage you to send in your requests months or weeks before.
We thought you never asked! Email us at We’d be happy to answer your questions.